Congratulations: Huiyuan Building Materials Group was elected as the vice-chairman unit of "Professional Committee of Building Waterproofing and Insulation of China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association"

On the afternoon of April 24th, on the eve of the establishment of the "Construction of Waterproofing and Insulation Professional Committee of China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association", the chairman went to Huiyuan Group Jinan Office for work inspection. The chairman and the staff of the office took a group photo.
At 6 p.m., Jinan Sunshine Hotel Grand Ballroom was full of banquet halls, industry elites from all over the country gathered here to jointly bless the upcoming "China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association Building Waterproofing and Insulation Professional Committee", director The chief delivered a keynote speech at the banquet. He said that in the future, under the leadership of the committee leaders at all levels, Huiyuan Group will improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the market with high-quality product quality and caring services, and achieve a comprehensive scale operation effect. The healthy development of the committee contributes its own strength. "
The chairman's wonderful speech won enthusiastic applause from the audience. Everyone praised the chairman's funny, witty and humorous speech.
After the banquet, all member units of the Building Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation Professional Committee of China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association first convened the first council of the first committee. The council introduced the background of the establishment of the China Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation Special Committee of the Sansong Association and the member units, and passed the list of members of the leading organization of the special committee and the list of expert think tank experts, laying the foundation for the establishment and work of the special committee Foundation.
At 8.30am on the 25th, the attention-grabbing China Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation Professional Committee of the China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association was formally held. More than 600 people from the national building waterproofing, thermal insulation, and mortar industries witnessed with invited guests and members of the special committee. The establishment of the special committee. Cheng Xiaoming, chairman of Huiyuan Group, took the seat in the front row.
The chairman took the stage to participate in the awarding ceremony and launching ceremony. The launching ceremony was grandly held under the witness of all the guests and all participants.
After the awarding ceremony, Professor Ye Linbiao, Honorary Chairman of the Building Waterproofing and Thermal Insulation Professional Committee of the China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association, successively conducted the awarding ceremony for the vice chairman unit, executive director unit and director unit of the special committee.
A wise man looks forward and a think tank seeks far. The establishment of the Waterproof and Thermal Insulation Special Committee of the China Sans Association came at an opportune time, and an expert think tank came into being. Secretary-General Sun Yan of China Bulk Cement Promotion and Development Association issued a letter of appointment to Huiyuan Group. Hong Tongtong's letter of appointment symbolized responsibility.

